Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blog is go

As part of my preparation for embarking on my MBA at INSEAD this August, I found myself spending an inordinate amount today reading the blogs of INSEAD alumni. Not being someone who follows others, I thought why not break with tradition and write my own blog. So here it is.

Being somewhat new to this whole blogging thing, I am filled with a sense of trepidation as to what exactly it is one does with these things. I am hoping to be able to deliver tales of parties, exciting lectures and people so interesting merely trying to describe them with text distorts the space time continuum. However, judging by the achievements of others, these will be laudable goals. More likely it will end up as a tale of hectic schedules on steroids and long winded descriptions of the basic fact that there are only 24 hours in any given Earth day. So don't say I didn't warn you.

So far, my biggest challenge has been naming this blog. I think Career Casino sums up my outlook quite well. Having gotten to a certain late-twenties point in my career, I can't say I know exactly what it is I'm after career wise. But it probably has something to do with business, and it will most likely require gaining some more knowledge. So I'm hoping that stepping into the Career Casino that is INSEAD and plonking an eye-watering sum down on the table should not only provide for a fun year, but hopefully end up with a net gain in the career bank. Let's just hope that unlike casinos, leading business schools do not play a zero sum game with their customers. Otherwise this could have been one humongous mistake.


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