A certain clever clogs has started their MBA pre-reading exercise with
Finance For Executives. Imagine my surprise at discovering it is written by an INSEAD professor. Either I shall have the benefit of being taught by some of the leading academics in the field of finance, or someone is reaping abnormal profits from punting sub-standard books of finance on unsuspecting keen-to-impress pre-MBA students. Thankfully, from page 20, it looks more like a case of the former.
The whole experience is not unlike lifting the bonnet of a car and explaining what all the bits of it do to someone whose experience of cars has extended to sitting behind the wheel and pushing pedals.
My experience to date of companies has been as entities that make things people buy. Popping the bonnet of a balance sheet open and pointing at all the bits and saying "Look - this bit is the leverage. This bit is the profit. This bit is return on equity". It's all fascinating stuff, however, seems sadly devoid of interesting things one can quote in a blog. Alas, I'm only on page 20 though.
Finance For Executives. Imagine my surprise at discovering it is written by an INSEAD professor. Either I shall have the benefit of being taught by some of the leading academics in the field of finance, or someone is reaping abnormal profits from punting sub-standard books of finance on unsuspecting keen-to-impress pre-MBA students. Thankfully, from page 20, it looks more like a case of the former.
The whole experience is not unlike lifting the bonnet of a car and explaining what all the bits of it do to someone whose experience of cars has extended to sitting behind the wheel and pushing pedals.
My experience to date of companies has been as entities that make things people buy. Popping the bonnet of a balance sheet open and pointing at all the bits and saying "Look - this bit is the leverage. This bit is the profit. This bit is return on equity". It's all fascinating stuff, however, seems sadly devoid of interesting things one can quote in a blog. Alas, I'm only on page 20 though.
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