Monday, January 08, 2007

X-ray Vision

It's that time of term when you've just had the first day of lectures and are wondering what new things term can bring. But for me I've been focusing on leg healage, so shall put the MBA aside for one second.

I had my first hospital examination of my leg today. On the plus side everything is going well and there are no complications present. On the minus side, I saw an X-ray of my leg for the first time and I got depressed.

I think my problem was that I'd practically started walking with both legs over the course of the past week. Which in my engineeringly logical brain was equated to an expectation of an X-ray of an almost perfectly healed bone - give or take a few fractures here or there. So when I got to look at my X-ray, seeing quite distinctly that there were three different bits of bone which in no way could be described as being remotely together made me shudder. Apparently the bone has started to heal, but the whole process will take another 2.5 months to complete. And the funny thing is, I knew it would take this long to heal cause they told me this in the hospital before I left. But when you see yourself being able to take 3-4 steps in a row after having been bedridden for 6 weeks, the mind (or at least mine) goes in overoptimism mode.

Still. Everything is going as well as can be expected, so I am more than grateful. I think a little expectation management was probably well in order anyway. So for now it's crutches.


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