Thursday, April 05, 2007

It's the end of consulting inteview week

Finally. It's over. The week of consulting interviews. The whole campus has been running around like a headless chicken trying to get jobs with consultancies. And people get dinged and people get depressed. And there's hundreds of uncomfortable conversations. They all go along the lines of

A: Have you heard from company X?
B: Yes. I'm interviewing next week.
A: Ah. I haven't heard.
B: (realises A's just been stealth dinged and gets uncomfortable. That's when they a company doesn't have the decency to tell you they've dinged you and instead stay quiet)
A: Oh well. Never mind. There will be another one.
B: Yeah. I'm sure.

And on and on. I must say I'm quite pleased to not have gone through the whole consulting melee. On my end I'm through to the final Google round. Which I think means I'm taking the foot off the madman application process. I'm pleased to have the confidence of knowing that a "Shell Downstream Process Manager" will not be something seen on a business card with my name on it at any point in the near future. There's just not much point applying for random things in the hope I get something. I seem to have two leads in the hand which are quite exciting. If something really exciting comes along then I'll apply for it, but for now I hope one of my leads goes somewhere. Which probably means I may even have to start thinking about things like hobbies to fill my time again - people are not readily accessible at the moment what with all the interview malarkey running about at the moment. Crikey. It's almost like I'll be a normal person again as opposed to an MBA student on steroids.


Blogger Dorothy @ INSEAD said...


I'm a current INSEAD applicant... Do you happen to know anyone who does/will have "Shell Downstream Manager" on his/her business card?? I would love to get in contact with one of those people (or GE)...


Monday, July 02, 2007 9:08:00 PM  

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