Thursday, March 22, 2007

Marketing brochure

Nobody marketed P4. If they did, they would have had a hard time. It involves the largest congregation of stressed people I have ever seen. I have yet to have a conversation this week that hasn't involved job search, career, cover letters or CVs to some extent. OK. I lie. I had one. It was about Iranian New Year and why it is that it's at 1:07AM.

On campus stress levels are currently running off the scale. In general, there's three types of stress:

Deer in headlights stress - clearly I start with my category first. This is goes something like "oh my god. I finish in 3 months and I have no clue what I want to do".

I will be rejected by consulting stress - this goes along the lines of "Consulting is my dream job. Everyone that's done it is really talented. I'm not sure I'm that talented"

Quietly Confident Stress - these are the people who have already got jobs. Most of them are consultants who have been sponsored and are now rapidly reaching payback time for their companies. The realisation that there's a world outside of consulting has slowly dawned on them over the past year and they are now having second thoughts as to whether they really want to go back. You can normally find them sitting sheepishly in the back row of recruitment presentations hoping their colleagues won't notice.

Much like the best and the worst things in life, stress involves a positive feedback loop. And you really feel it. Yesterday I woke up and finally started trying to shake myself out of my stress. While important, this whole job malarkey needs to be kept in perspective. If nothing good appears, then nothing good appears. Unemployment is not good, but also not the end of the world. And I do really have some idea of what it is that I want to do. I just need to focus on that and make the most of it. As one of my friends says - "baby steps, baby steps". So I've started e-mailing contacts trying to secure some opportunities outside of the what has so far been a fairly appalling set of choices provided by on-campus companies. Wish me luck!

CQW: What sector are you interested in?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Am somewhat overcome. I am seriously delighted to see that an old-new, but so much better, Stephan with added and enhanced value, has emerged from the flames like a phoenix. Chin up son! EVERYONE who loves you is wit you and wants you to persevere and find your feet, and you seem to be doing exactly that. xxx

Friday, March 23, 2007 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I delete that...?!

Friday, March 23, 2007 12:10:00 AM  

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