Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Google is go

The heart and the mind often do battle. The older I get, the more I realise the heart really does know what it's talking about and although one spends all their time pouring knowledge in their head, the result is quite often a reduction in wisdom.

Take for example the whole consulting business. I thought I wanted to do it. I worked like hell to get into it. I then worked in it and hated the living daylights of it. Two years later I bumble along into INSEAD. Along comes P4 and all of a sudden everybody you talk to wants a job in consulting. Why? Most of them don't really know. Because the consulting companies are on campus this week. Because the consultants look good. Because the consultants pay well. Because you can get an interesting job afterwards. But most importantly, because nothing else appears as good.

And like anyone else, I get swept along this consulting rush. It's like a river. You grab and snatch at passing grass as the weeks sweep by, but consulting inevitability seems like a waterfall you rapidly approach. My flatmate and I even developed the "Consulting Inevitability" framework to better leverage understanding of this process.

And then on Sunday something inside me snapped. Not a loud scary snap. Just a gentle prod from the heart to the head. Saying "Oi!". And then the head started to think about itself a little bit more and about what other people think a little bit less (that's always the good stuff). And it remembered. It remembered waking up at 5AM every Monday morning to fly to somewhere in Europe. It remembered clinical Hilton rooms with faceless receptionists. It remembered spending hours trying to decide whether a hamburger or a steak (the only 2 room service choices) is less fattening because that's the only nourishment available after 11PM, and your belt is out of spare holes. It remembered the woman at Heathrow passport control who recognises you by face after 2 months of building up your BA silver status. But most importantly, it remembered enough to ask the question "What the hell are you doing?"

So consulting is off the menu. I don't know what's on it, but consulting is definitely not it. The only thing that's definitely on it is Google. Hence the addition of the advertising links on this blog. I'm going through a rapid period of sampling the myriad of products they make. Please click on them. They make me money. Not bags of money, but some. Maybe enough to buy a beer after I end up unemployed in July.

CQW: Are you applying to BCG?


Blogger Badger said...

If you apply to goog, and they offer you a job, would you consider a relo to the bay area.......?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a snowballs

Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger The Apprentice said...

No. It's Europe or bust. And in fact most likely London cause that's where I feel most at home.

Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:32:00 PM  

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